02 February 2013

Week in Review- Week #23-2012-2013

We are in Sonlight Core D week #23

Scripture Memory this week:

Reviewing all previous scriptures

We have been in the book of  Devarim which is the book of Dueteronomy. We are also doing some studies from," Proverbs People".


We finished reading, "Carry On, Mr. Bowditch" by Jean Lee Latham. We also are done reading "If You Lived in Colonial Times" and "If You Where There When They Signed the Constitution."  We started reading, "Robert Fulton Boy Craftsman" by Marguerite Henry.

For our poetry, "A Child's Introduction To Poetry" by Michael Driscoll 

Physical Education

Little Man is doing Karate class weekly. The kids are still jumping on the mini trampoline, scooter, and jump roping.

Therapy and Appointments

Bug did all her therapy this week. We found out that she will be staring horse therapy next week. We have had a quite few weeks on all fronts with appointments. It has been nice to have a little rest from all the busyness.

American Indian Prayer Guide
We have been praying and learning about the Lakota Sioux Indian tribe and how they hunted bison and used every part of the animal. We located the tribe's area on the map.

 We are still working on our teepee diorama. They are preparing the boxes for the diorama.
 They are leaving room to put a river in the diorama.
History & Geography
The kids this week have been learning about the expansion west. The government paying the soldiers in land after the Revolutionary War.

 Language Arts, Math, and Misc Studies

Little Man is still learning about telling time. He gets real frustrated in this area. He is often looking at my wrist watch and telling me the correct time. Yea!!! He is getting itn but, I think he feels overwhelmed when its in school.

Little Man loved his contraction activity that I found on Pinterest.
 Learning can be so much fun when it is hands on.

Kids are doing well in Hebrew. At home we have been using a program called, "Aleph Champ."  Little Man is learning his third vowel this week. Bug has two vowels down.

This week they attended their weekly Hebrew class outside the home. Our Rabbi and wife are teaching some of the Homeschool kids at they synagogue.

Little Man is reading a few words on the Torah Scroll at the synagogue weekly when we pull out the Torah scroll before Havdala. At home when we read some of the blessings after dinner both kids are volunteering to read some of the Hebrew.

Bug had another good week in school with focusing and working independently. She still struggles so much in many areas but, she is still doing so well and she has amazed me this year. 


This week we have been learning about the brain and our nervous system.

Dragon flies and the order Odonata have been the big buzz this week. These beautiful insects are ferocious predators. Bug called them the, "lions of the insect world."

 Little man requested that we read some more on dinosaurs. I have to admit that I struggle reading this book but, he sure does enjoy it.
Have a blessed week.  

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