06 July 2016

The Scripture Scribes Series a TOS Crew Review


The longer I homeschool my children the more I love copywork. I love being able to integrate God’s word through copywork into our homeschool. For the last few weeks my son has been doing copywork from Laurelwood Books and their Scripture Scribes Series~One Another Intermediate Volume I. This is recommended for grades 4-6.
There are four books in the Scripture Scribes Series that covers ages from Primary to 6th grade.  The other books in this series are:

Scripture Scribes Series~One Another Intermediate Volume I has 50 lessons with each lesson on a 2 page layout with four scripture verses to copy in each lesson. The four scriptures are all the same in each lesson except they are all in different Bible versions from one of the following ESV, NIV, KJV, NKJV, and or ICB. This is a consumable workbook.
The theme in this workbook has scriptures that use the phrase, “one another”. With the intent of having the student think of who is your, “one another”? The workbook is so pretty and as my son put it, “it looks like a scribe book from the front cover”!

The textbook uses cursive handwriting for the copywork. Each lesson scripture verse starts out with you tracing the Bible verse. Afterwards, you have a few blank lines for you to write it yourself. It’s that simple!


There is a two page section about The Development of the Scriptures which contains all the books of the Bible that has information on who the writer is, date, and the language it was printed in.


My son’s favorite part was the “Translating of the Scripture” which is also on a two page layout. There is a printed section of Classical Hebrew writing. My son was excited because he could read the Hebrew on the page. Also, there is Biblical Aramaic, and Biblical Greek. The other side of the page is a timeline of the Bible translation.

Towards the end of the workbook there is a two page layout with information about copying the scripture. It covers some basic information about the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Medieval period of the Bible in Illuminated Manuscripts by monks, the Gutenburg Printing Press, and the Gutenberg Bible.

How did we use Scripture Scribes Series~One Another Intermediate Volume I in our Homeschool?

Originally, I planned on using this with my daughter who is 13. She loves copywork of scriptures. When I received the workbook I felt the provided space was very small for her. With her arthritis this would have caused tears as she can’t write or trace that small.


My son graciously said, “He would do it”. Honestly, I was surprised as my son really dislikes anything that involves handwriting lately!

With it being summer school in my home I had him do one passage a day for 10-15 minutes. Basically, we did this 4xs a week. Some days he wanted to double up to complete a lesson in two days.

What did he think of it? He loved the scriptures and the layout of the book with the 4 verses each week. He liked that it had several different translation for each scripture. The second week into this workbook it made him seek out the many Bibles in our house and see all the different translations we have available. If it had a different translation other than the one that was in the workbook he started looking those ones up to see how they were different. I was delighted to see him do that.

His only complaint was the size of the print. He found it difficult writing this small.

Overall, we loved this delightful workbook. The whole format was wonderful. I have to agree that I thought it was way too small for the 4-6 grade age. I would love to see the font larger and have more space for copying. I wouldn’t mind it being spread out on 3 pages to have more room.

Social Media:

The CREW has reviewed several other books from Laurelwood Books so don’t forget to stop by the other Crews blogs and see what they have to say.



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