
20 December 2010

What not to do when Life Slows Down

I know I am complaining about not being busy! I can't help it I just don't know what to do with myself. What else am I suppose to do?

I am really thankful for the down time. I also have one happy little boy-who is growing so fast! He is officially 5 years old as of last week. My baby is growing up so fast and part of me is saddened by the fact that he is growing up.

Anyways, here is a tip to avoid doing when life is slow. Hide the glow in the dark stars that contain over 100 stars plus the left over packet from sissy's room. Don't forget to hide the glow in the dark planets also. Can you guess what I have been doing. Little Man's room now has his own universe on his ceiling. He is very happy about it. Okay so it wasn't the most entertaining thing for Mom to do. My neck is sore from staring up at the ceiling and my shoulder is still a little sore. I do have a very happy little boy. It is pretty neat laying in bed and talking about the planets and the ONE who created it all.

It was worth the neck and shoulder pain. I did get lots of hugs, kisses and jumping up and down. He shows and tells everyone about it. Except, I think he is the only one who is truly excited over it. I didn't have anymore excuses why not to hang them.

Now, Little Man wants me to find Pluto, asteroids, comets and the moon to add to the ceiling. I am sure he will think of other things to add. I know they make a moon! I am not so sure of the other ones. I guess since I have some more down time I should look. He is not likely to forget anytime soon. Many blessing-May the Lord bless you and keep you.

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