26 July 2012

Explore Meteor Crater and Petrified Forest DVD and Study Guide Review

Explore Meteor Crater and Petrified Forest  DVD and study guide

Awesome Science Explore Meteor Crater and Petrified Forest is episode 3 in the series. Noah Justice takes us to Arizona to explore Meteor Crater and Petrified Forest National Park.

 Noah helps kids and adults like understand the Biblical view of how flood affected our planet and not evolutionary views of Meteor Crater, dinosaur extinction, and the Petrified Forest. Noah will show you scriptures to back it all up. Noah will show you that the Bible is the final authority on the history of the world.

The video is 30 minutes long. Noah is fun, energetic and his enthusiastic is contagious. Noah makes the learning fun. The scenery makes you want to pack up your bags and head out to the parks. Your kids will absolutely love it. Mom and Dad will love it just as much!

Come and join Noah as he tours many of the world's most famous geological sites and shows how their origins line up perfectly with the biblical account of the flood and also with a young earth creationist worldview.

 Noah will share with you how:

Millions of acres of petrified forests were created during the Flood
A large meteor is not responsible for killing off the dinosaurs
Meteor Crater was instrumental in recognizing other craters around the world.

I was given the study guide to look through and review. I would say this is more suited for older kids/teens. I also feel that you can adjust it easily enough for younger kids without too much hassle. The study guide that accompanies the DVD includes word lists, key concepts, Fill in the blank section, true and false section, and a Biblical study guide and much more. The questions are centered on the movie and the guide is well thought out and a good companion for the DVD series. 

 My only complaint is the size of the book. As a homeschooler with many books I would have loved to see a larger book so it doesn't get lost in my books or I would love for it to fit inside the video DVD case. That is minor complaint compared to the quality of this production. That’s just what happens when you have books all over your house. The DVD is $14.99 and the Study Guide $3.99.

 In addition there are currently others in the series including, Explore Yellowstone, Explore Yosemite and Zion National Parks, Explore Mt. St. Helen’s, Explore the Grand Canyon, and Explore John Day Fossil Beds.

I look forward to see the rest in this series. 

 Disclaimer: I provided a copy of this book from New Leaf Publishing Group/Master Books for free in order to write this review. All thoughts and opinions are mine and were not subject to editing from the publisher.

1 comment:

  1. I also reviewed this DVD and liked it. Hope you have a wonderful weekend! :O)


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