
05 July 2010

Sarah's Garden by Kelly Long

Sarah’s Garden by Kelly Long is a story about a young Amish woman living in Pennsylvania’s Allegheny Mountains.

Sarah King is a very shy young woman and would rather spend time in her sanctuary her garden which she is very passionate about.

Then she must step out of her comfort zone after her older sister has married to run the families roadside produce stand. Despite her shyness, she knows that it is her duty to take her sisters place. She is exposed to the English world in a degree that she is not accustomed to. She meets both friend and foe and during this time she must learn to trust in the Lord to help and protect her. She is faced with a new temptation when she meets the new neighbor, the handsome Dr. Grant Williams who is now serving as the Veterinarian for her people. They both start having strong feeling for one another knowing that this could uproot Sarah from her family and community. Grant is a Christian man but not Amish. During this time they both struggle with temptation wanting to do what is right but yet wanting to be together. During this trail the King family is being harassed by an unknown foe who wants revenge. To make matters worst Sarah’s father becomes ill all of a sudden. Sarah learns to trust in the Lord during all these changes in her life.

This is a good story and I would recommend reading it. It is much different than other author’s who have written stories about the Amish community. The language is different and she also uses much more of it than other books I have read. She does have a glossary of the terms at the beginning of the book. It is a truly sweet story that deals with temptation and whole heartily trusting in the Lord in all things. This book was rather slow moving and I wish it would of gave you more of a feeling of knowing the characters and feeling like I really could relate to them with knowing more about them. Despite not knowing the characters in depth it was well worth to read it and I had a hard time putting the book down. It is different and refreshing reading an Amish series which is truly unique among the other authors. I look forward to the rest of the series, “A Patch of Heaven”

Disclosure of Material Connection: Thomas Nelson Publishers provided me this Book free as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I'm popping over from The Homeschool Lounge. Thanks for commenting on my blog! This book looks like just the thing I enjoy reading. It's on my library list now!


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