
13 August 2010

Christian Encounters Anne Bradstreet by D.B. Kellogg Book Review


Christian Encounters Anne Bradstreet by D.B. Kellogg

Anne Bradstreet was the first women poet to be published in Colonial America. I have read many of her poems and have always enjoyed the way she touched your heart with them. I was not familiar with her life or all her struggles before reading her biography. Knowing the history of her has made her poems have much more meaning. She faced many challenges that are reflected in her poetry. Anne’s poetry shows her character, her thoughts, her love for her family and her faith and trust in the Lord.

I have to say that this was one of the most detailed biographies that I have read since my college days. It is a very detailed in the history of England involving King Charles I and his opposition to the Puritans. A lot of the culture of the 1600’s is explained in much detail. Many experts of Anne’s poetry is included throughout the book.

Anne was born in England in a well to do family. She married at 16. Two years later her husband, parents and siblings reluctantly relocated to the Massachusetts Bay Colony due to the increasingly troubles brewing on the political and religious fronts, which demanded the couple to make a difficult and life changing decision. Her family is one of the first pioneers to the New England Colony. A lot of details are explained in establishing a community in the new homeland. The author explains much of the Puritan’s belief and way of life. The author did a great job of showing her spiritual life. and her admiration of Queen Elizabeth and the influence the Queen had on her life which created a strong but gentle courage in Anne‘s character.

I would recommend this book. I enjoyed learning about the intriguing life of Anne Bradstreet. I have to say that it was a hard to read book at times and made my head spin with all the historical and culture details. Then the book would lighten up some and it would be easier to navigate through. This is one of the books that I usually keep by the night stand or end table next to the couch. I would read it in bits and pieces over several months. For the sake of this review, I read it in a relatively short time. It was a well worth time that I spent reading it. The book has many resources and it looks like it was well researched.

Disclosure of Material Connection: Thomas Nelson Publishers provided me this Book free as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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