
22 October 2010

Speech Therapy Prompts at Home

Bug was very delayed with talking. Her few words consisted of mom, dad, hi, and ball and lots of humming for the first 2 1/2 years of her life. She would do some sign language with us and would point to the things she wanted.

Having been in speech therapy already for over a year I was feeling like she was never going to speak. I wanted her to at least be able to communicate her basic needs. I was tired of the generic pictures that didn't mean nothing to her.

This got me thinking about the Little Princess who I babysit. She is 19 months and has PVL Cerebral Palsy. Her vocabulary consist of mama, hi, bye and maybe Hattie (dog's name) none of them are consistent and not clear. I think seeing things in your everyday environment make a big difference. Her mom took pictures of the things that they use everyday at her home.

Little Princess loves Bug's picture book. It will entertain her for long periods of time.

Her new book! I laminate the pictures, punch holes and added a metal ring. It is now ready for mom to take home her own book.

It really seems to make a difference saying glasses when they are your own. The pictures include shoes, diapers, bottle, snack (eat), pictures of mom, dad, sister, grandparents, an even the family pet. We have pacifier, favorite toys and the list can be endless. It is a nice tool for the child to look at their book and tell them words of the things they recognize. I hope this will be a help to Little Princess as much as it helped my Bug. Hopefully it will be a blessing to others who need some help in delayed talkers.

Bug now talks all the time. I now wish she would at times just stop talking for a second so I can think clearly!!!! Blessings <><

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