
21 January 2011

Adding your own signature to your blog

I am feeling pretty blog savvy here lately. Thanks to all the wonderful sites that hold my hand so I can figure out what I am doing. I found the how to create my own signature over at Design it Chic's blog. She then redirected you to this site: My live Signature. Design it Chic explained each step for those who well, make that me who has a little blog changing fear that I will mess up the whole thing! It looks pretty cool having my signature! I always wondered how everyone one put a signature in their post. It was super easy, I have to laugh at myself at times. Design it Chic has all kinds up helps on her blog. Stop by and check it out for yourself. Who knows what may show up on my blog next. Many blessing. May the Lord bless you and keep you this day.


  1. visiting from boost your blog friday. I am now following and would love to have you follow my blog creativesouthernhome.blogspot. I too just figured out my signiture from designitchic! And I think I am going to look at the button tutorial your mentioned also. Thanks for the tip!

  2. lol. I just did the same thing last night after I linked up to her follow. :)

  3. Gotta love all the tutorials from Design it Chic! Such a great resource.

    Thanks for the follow! I am now following you back.

  4. Visiting from the blog hop. I'm so glad I found your blog.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  5. Hi,
    I'm following you back, Thanks for stopping by our blog.
    Have a blessed week.


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