
18 February 2011

A blog Award

 I had received this Versatile Blogger Award from Anne over at Creative Southern Home. Thank you Anne! Stop by and visit her she has a lovely blog with lots of creative, fun ideas.

Here are the "rules" of this award:

1. You have to thank the person who awarded you & link them back in your post and let them know you "accept" the award

2. Tell everyone 7 random facts about yourself

3. Pass the award to 15 new found bloggers

4. Contact each blogger and let them know you have passed this award onto them


1. I have been married to my beloved for 20 years and we were a couple 3 years prior to our marriage.

2. I collect cookbooks and love to read them. I currently have 86 and still collecting!

3. Went to college for a degree in science, looking at genetics then, maybe in the field of Cytogentics (branch of genetics that is concerned with the study of the structure and function of the cell, especially the chromosomes) Changed fields due to the lack of advanced math. Went for Interpreting for the Deaf.

4. I played the flute for 3 years in elementary school.

5. I hate to iron clothes with passion.

6. I am a big Star Trek fan since I was 6 years old. (My husband hates it as much as I love it) The Next Generation being my favorite. Except, I can't remember the last time I have watched it with such a busy lifestyle.

7. I am actually shy and get nervous around new people or a group of people.
Now for the  awards!

I have really enjoyed discovering new blogs lately. Drum roll to whom I bestow the VERSATILE BLOGGER AWARD to:

Miss Organic Kitchen

3 Four and Under

Allegro Mama

Judys Handmade Creations

Life in Joyful Chaos

Our Busy Homeschool


  1. Thank you Renee! I'm hoping to post mine Saturday. It was fun getting to know you a bit more!


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