
25 February 2011

Max Lucado's A Bug Collection Volume 3

   A fun kids DVD collection which teaches some valuable lessons. My kids and I have always enjoyed Max Lucado’s books and Hermie and Friends series.

The first DVD is, “ Milo the Mantis Who Wouldn't Pray” Milo’s Snack Shack gets destroyed in a storm. Milo doesn’t know how to pray and tries many crazy and hilarious things to get God’s attention to answer his prayer. He learns patience and to wait on God that he is always there for us. We don’t have to do anything elaborate to get God’s attention to get close to him and to pray.

DVD two is, “Busby and the Grumble Bees” this series is about Busby the bee, and his mis-bee-having niece and nephew. These little bees are bad, misbehaving and have no manners at all. Busby and his friends teach them an important lesson. They learn that their actions are like a contiguous disease which spreads to everyone.

DVD three is, “Hailey and Bailey’s Silly Fight” who knew tomatoes and blueberries could cause such an uproar among the sisters. Then they come across an ant family who have nothing to eat. They are so stuck on what they like that they lose focus on what really matters. They are reminded that ,”when you fight no one wins” can they overcome their difference to help out this family.

This is a great set of DVD’s for the whole family to enjoy with a good lesson in each story. They are funny and filled with good advice for all.

Disclosure of Material Connection: Thomas Nelson Publishers provided me this Book free as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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