
28 April 2011

Do your Kids See you Reading your Bible?

I am not asking if you read your bible but do your kids see you reading the Word daily? I am up early in morning to make my beloved his lunch everyday. On the weekdays around 4:30 AM :0(. After he has left to go to work I will come downstairs and sit at the desk and read my bible. It is so quite, no kids needing my attention, no phones ringing, and none of the daily distractions. It is a time for me to have some quite time to study and pray.
The kids will get their devotions and bible time at the beginning of each school day. We encourage them to look at the word throughout the day. Even if they can't read well enough. It is good training for them. Every night before bed one of use will sit down and read with them again. Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Those days that I don't get up early I can feel my peace being zapped away. I have tried to read/study later in the day, it just doesn't happen the way I like it to or I am so distracted that I couldn't tell you what I just read. I pray throughout the day and will look at a verse or two.
We teach our kids to always be in the Word but, it dawned on me that they don't see me doing it. They don't know that I am up at the crack of dawn reading or after they have gone to bed. I tell them I do every morning. Actions speak louder than words! Aren't we suppose to be an example to them.
Awhile back Bug told someone that Daddy watches a lot of t.v. as soon as he gets home from work- so he watches a lot of t.v. This person knows that we are not big t.v. watchers. Not that we don't watch t.v. What Bug wasn't seeing is that Daddy is coming home from work tired. I still have my daycare girls who are waiting to be picked up and I am trying to get dinner ready. He has learned that if he stays upstairs that it gets crazier for some reason. I have a bad habit of handing him my daycare princes 2 to help out. Not that he minds but he has not had a chance to unwind from his day. So, he goes downstairs to turn on the local news or sees what is going on in the world on Fox News. That is usually for a half and hour. Bug is Daddy's girl and she usually joins him. In her eyes his actions are that the first thing he does is turn on the t.v. first every day after work. Wow, those actions have spoken pretty loud. So he has changed that routine. He doesn't want her to think that the t.v. is his priority.

I have made a point to grab my bible everyday and let them see me read. I have to say I don't know what I am reading sometimes. I think I get distracted too easy. How much more important it is to let them see us as their parents in action. Those actions I have found speak pretty loud. May the Lord bless you and keep you this day and make His face shine upon you.

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