
24 May 2011

The Promise of an Angel by Ruth Reid

The Promise of an Angel by Ruth Reid

In Mescota County, Michigan Judith Fischer is responsible for caring for the children during a barn raising. When her brother Samuel wanders off Judith suddenly sees a blur on top of the roof fall to the ground. Rushing to Samuel’s side Judith see a strange English man kneeling beside her brother. Later on she believes that she seen an Angel.

Samuel is taken to the hospital and later confirmed paralyzed. Guilt plagues Judith because her mind was on Levi Plank during the barn raising and not on the children. She knew that she could start courting him now that she is of age and was daydreaming of what her life would be like once she was married to him.

Following the accident she is visited several times by the angel with words of hope and information that will affect her future. No one in her Old Amish Community believes her when she starts sharing with others of her angelic visits. They think she is plagued by guilt and telling stories. She is known to make up stories to entertain children who just adore Judith. Even her beloved Levi thinks she is telling stories and starts flirting with Judith’s younger sister Martha. Yet, she has one unlikely person who believes her, Andrew Lapp the bishop’s son. The angel tells her to have faith and that Samuel will walk again. Sharing the angels message with her community is about to get her sent away to another state. She can’t help it not to share the hope and words this angel has been sharing with her. In a dream about paths she knows it is a message for her and that she has to choose which path to follow. Her world and all her dreams are unraveling all around her. The angel keeps telling her to have faith in God.

This is a new twist on Amish fiction. The characters are well rounded and very likable. Even the ones who irritate you like Levi and Martha you can’t help liking and even being mad at them. Martha is selfish and mean spirited to her sister. Judith having such strong feeling for Levi makes you wonder why? How sweet loving, devout young woman like Judith would even have her heart set on marrying Levi. He is selfish and likes to drag other down to make himself look good in others eyes.

This has not been my favorite Amish fiction book that I have read but overall this is a good read.

"The Promise of an Angel" is the first book in the Heaven on Earth Series by Ruth Reid, the next book titled Brush of Angel Wings is due out in April 2012

Disclosure of Material Connection: Thomas Nelson Publishers provided me this Book free as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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