
17 June 2011

My Great Explorer

Little Man loves to explore everything around him. He is the one always asking the more complicated why questions. He is my deep thinker. When he seen the Carson X-Scope in the Timberdoodle catalog he had me read to him all the gadgets. Not just once but several times because he had lots of question as to what each gadget does. What little explorer can pass up a mini microscope, six function multi-use optical pocket tool, and a telescope, fold out magnifier, LED flashlight, whistle, compass, and a digital clock!

He was off the couch at the speed of light and left me wondering what is he is doing now. He left me all alone on the couch without any explanation. Well in a few minutes he came back with his piggy bank! Now I get it! He wants to buy the Carson X-Scope. Bless his heart he had enough and I had something I have been wanting to buy from Timberdoodle that I kept putting off.

He asked me about it everyday if it was going to be here today. Everyday when I checked the mail he was right by my side to see if the package arrived. It arrived with lots of jumping and excitement. He even had me check the batteries to see if we had right ones before it came! After we got the batteries in and set the clock he was off to explore his world.

A few minutes later I heard him crying. The flashlight didn’t work. He was heartbroken and so disappointed. Little Man wanted me to fix it. I called Timberdoodle and they took care of the situation right away and sent out a new one. Great customer service. We got to keep the defective one which he gave to Bug.

Just remember it is a toy and yes it works just don’t expect it to work like a microscope. The compass doesn’t seem to be accurate. Overall Carson X- Scope is a great gadget for any explorer. Great price for a multi-purpose tool $11.95. Easy to take anywhere. A must have for the nature walks.

Little Man has been an explorer in the garden searching for man eating bugs, a spy searching for the bad guys, police officer, scientist studying animals, and a few other adventures have been played out around here with the Carson X-Scope. Not to mention just looking at it with books.

I was not asked to review this product from Timberdoodle. I just wanted to share a sweet story about my son and my experience with a company that gave me great customer service !

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