
22 June 2011

Prairie Rose Field Trip Part 3

The kids did so much on this field trip. It was a long day with lots to see and do.

They learned about sod plowing. I can't image how long it took to plow a field before the invention of a tractor.
Bug making her own rope.

Little Man is taking a turn at turning the crank to make the rope. This rope is now his official lasso! So far the dogs have been spared being lassoed. Not to say we won't have a future event!

The mechanism that is twisting the rope.

Little Man bought a wood gun and they put his initials in the wood using a piece of thick glass. I think this was his favorite part.

How neat is that. I am amazed at how neat the letters are.

He is pretty proud of his gun. Can you tell!

We can't forget about the yodeling. Which was fun at the time. They drove me crazy for a week with all the yodeling.
Then we watched a wild west show. Lots of guns and ballons getting shot. This horse is the great grandson of Secretariat. We have not seen the movies yet! We have been wanting to it just hasn't happened. Bug was excited when she heard that it was Secretariat great grandson and wants to see the movie that much more. Have a blessed day.

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