
01 July 2011

The Complete Zoo Adventure by Mary and Gary Parker

A complete field trip in a book. I like hearing that word “field trip”. As a homeschool mom I enjoy getting out to do school as much as the kids. What an incredible book. First and foremost I love to teach my children about God’s creation. Unfortunately, most books on animals deal with evolution and not on a Creator. I like it when I don’t have to edit a book to line it up with God’s word. I want my kids to see that God's creation is not something that, "by some random chance" happened.

I was excited to get a chance to review this book. It is jammed packed with all kinds of unique features. Let’s start with these features:

*A beautiful hardcover, spiral bound book!

*Colorful tabs to guide you through this "Field Trip in a Book."

The tabs are broken down by these sections:

*Before the Zoo

*At the Zoo


*Paws and Claws




*After the Zoo

*The very back of the book is a Tool Kit which includes, 27 field fact cards, 7 biome, cards, 3 field journals, and 12 name badges.

My favorite features in this book is that it includes 7 short devotionals to tie together scripture and science. The pictures are gorgeous. What better way to get the kids attention than with incredible photography. Reproducible coloring and activity worksheets are included. There is a memory verse included for each animal. A small map shows where each animal lives. It also list each animals class, order, family, genus, and species. The authors thought of including all ages-all wrapped up in one book. How many times have you had to tie together several books to fit several ages!

There is a planning calendar and checklist included to help you plan your outing before, during, and afterwards. You can have a field trip in your home with this book or take it along to your next adventure. Honestly, it would be best utilized as an actual zoo field trip supplement.

My kids love this book. The only think I don’t like about this book is that they are fighting over who’s room it should be kept in! Yep, my kids love the animals. It will be a keeper in this household for many years.

Disclaimer: I provided a copy of this book from New Leaf Publishing Group/Master Books for free in order to write this review. All thoughts and opinions are mine and were not subject to editing from the publisher.

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