
26 July 2011

Treasuring Emma A Middlefield Family Novel by Kathleen Fuller Review

Emma just buried her mother after her battle with cancer. Her father passed away two years prior. Emma has had to take care of everything from the house, animals, her mother and grandmother. Now it is just her and her grandmother left in the home. The home needs some work and Emma is doing everything she can just to get the basic chores done. She has put everyone else’s needs above her own.

Emma thinks she will probably live out her life as a single maedel. She has tried her hardest to put aside the heartbreak of her first love Adam. Adam left the Amish community to seek out the outside world.

Adam's return’s to visit his family after he receives a letter from Emma’s grandmother. Adam finds that he has been empty out in the English world and what he was seeking out there is not what he thought it would be. Seeing Emma again makes him see he still cares for her and that his feelings are stronger than ever. Trying to convince her otherwise is not as easy.

A newcomer arrives in town around the same time Adam comes home and shows Emma some interest. Adam has a bad feeling about him and that his intentions are not good. Emma is not so sure that Adam is just not being jealous.

I have enjoyed this novel. Unlike most Amish fiction this one has a lot of suspense trying to figure out what this newcomer is up to. The ending is different than most Amish fiction.

The characters are enjoyable. Emma’s sister and husband are intriguing. At first I was disliking Clara Emma’s sister. I slowly came to like her and see her as someone who has taken her eyes off the Savior and letting the cares of this world blind her. Emma‘s and Clara‘s grandmother is my favorite character. She is the sparkplug in this book and the glue that binds this whole story together. This story is about God’s faithfulness through difficult times.

Disclosure of Material Connection: Thomas Nelson Publishers provided me this Book free as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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