
16 August 2011

First Day of School

I know I did what I never said I would do! I started school before Labor Day. After much debating I decided to start when the public schools start this year. Last year was so crazy with all the Dr. appointments and therapy's that I felt like we could never keep up. We ended up doing so much school work for Bug this summer. I like summer to be lighter and the funner activities. This summer was all hard work for her. While Little Man had it easy.

This year the appointments and therapy will still be heavy. It is amazing what a half hour appointment does your schedule. Little Man does some school on Mondays while Bug is in therapy. Usually, I give Bug Monday off since she is so tired from therapy. Not this year. Monday I will just make a lighter day for her school work. We usually get home on Mondays around lunch time. So they eat and go and lay down for awhile. Not this year. I think I will miss the nap times the most:0). My unwinding time. 

I am excited for this year. I have planned lots of activities. We will be in the middle ages. Knights, vikings are just some of the learning in the future. I am excited for the kids at some of the projects I have found. We will touch on slavery, Civil War, Indians, and even the gold rush to just name a few. Little Man loves knights and I know this will be a year he will remember for a long time. He is going to love it. Bug enjoys the middle ages also-just not as much as brother. I will post the crafts as we do them. I am excited to share them. Have a blessed week.

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