
15 September 2011

Viking Longboat Crafts

We are still studying the Vikings this week in our history. The kids are having a hay day with the Vikings. As you can imagine this is most exciting for Little Man who gets into the whole sword, shield type of thing. Bug loves it also just not quite as much as her brother.
As you can tell I am getting into my new digital scrapbooking software! I found the Viking Longboat craft from this site

I would recommend that you prepare the boat before the day you do the craft if you have younger kids.I prepared the boat and let the kids decorate it anyway they wanted to. The boat has a lot of details but don't be intimmidated by it. It is really quite easy to do. I did two boats.
You will need the following supplies:

  • 1 Quart or Bigger Carton
  • 1 Straw & 12 Skewers
  • Regular Masking Tape
  • String or Thread
  • Paper Bag
  • Instructions for the Viking Longboat
  • I would also recommend clay to hold your mast into the boat. We had to glue the clay in after it dried. The cartoon made it not hold with just the clay. I used Elmers glue and it has held up to  all of Little Man's battles.
    Bug wanted a horse head with a mermaid tail for her boat.
    Little Man wanted the dragon head and tail with a Narnia type boat. I know it is suppose to be Vikings. He is into Narnia now and wanted it to look somewhat like the Dawn Treader ship.
    We added shields and oars to our Viking err Narnia Longboat ships.
    Next up was the mast for the ship.
    Here is a bigger picture of Bugs Viking Longboat.

    Little Man's Viking Narnia Longboat.

    1 comment:

    1. Wow! They did great jobs!

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