
19 September 2011

Week in Review-Week #5

As you can tell I am a little behind in getting my Week in Review post up. Only by 2 1/2 days:0). It was one of those non-stop weekends that started on Friday.

We are in Sonlight Core C week #5

Scripture memory this week was a review of all the scriptures we have learned in the past.

Monday- We had no therapy my husbands truck broke down so he took the van. I took advantage and double of some assignments knowing that we had  a few outside events going on this last week. It was a good thing I doubled up on Monday! We also have a  large craft to work on.

We are still exploring the Vikings and have some fun crafts planned this week. We learned about the Animism and Buddhism and compared them to what the Bible says about their beliefs.

We also sang our geography song about Canada.

We are still reading Ginger Pye for our read-out-loud. The kids are still enjoying our poetry selection, "What to Do When A Bug Climbs in Your Mouth" by Rick Walton

Tuesday-PE class the kids are still playing flag football.

The kids learned what their Viking names would be if they were Vikings using this Viking name converter. Find out what your Viking name would be. Of course Little Man is a Viking!

Bug took her last test in Bob Jones English Writing & Grammar 2! Now we can start in her English & Grammar 3 next.

Wednesday- Bug completed her Life Pac History & Geograpy 3 with her unit study on lobster's and Deer Isle, Maine. We learned about the religion of Hinduism and again compared it against God's word.

The highlight this week is our viking hat craft which we started on Monday and finished on Wednesday.
 I have a post going up with the how to do tomorrow on the Viking hat.

Don't you love Bug's long braids? Little Man was into the role as a Viking. I mean look at that face!
Thursday-we had an early morning field trip to a fellow homeschooler who has a beehive. She invited the 2011 Honeybee Princess to host the event. Afterward Bug got an unexpected up and personal tour of the hives after everyone left. We had fun going into the hive and suiting up for the event.
 All ready to play with the bees. I think I was the only nervous one.
 It was a chilly day and the bees where not very happy. Bug got her first bee sting on her head. A bee got into her netting. She was not a happy camper. After all that she wants a beehive in our backyard. Which much to my surprise- I am considering starting one. I would have to wait until next spring. I asked lots of questions and looked into it when we got home. With Bugs love of everything bugs - what better way to cultivate her love of entomology.

It was pretty late when we got home and we just did research on bees online and watched some YouTube videos on bees and starting up a beehive. That was our extend of school.

Thursday was also Bug's first entomology class. They had beetle racing to welcome in a new year. Bug's beetle won the second round of races.

It is official -we are catching bugs. Which I should of been doing all summer. Duh! I now have a container in my freezer to store the bugs in until we can pin them! What a great edition our mystery bug of been to her collection. Can I just hit myself with all the great bugs we seen this summer. We caught her first one when we came home. A Gray Hairstreak Moth and on Saturday I caught a Southern Green Stink bug for her. I can't believe I am catching bugs without my children. I even take a jar out to the garden now-just in case! I look for bugs now and it's even without my Bug showing me!

Friday- we had lots of errands to prepare for a Seminar at our congregation on Saturday. We spent the morning running around. 

Then we were suppose to have our first Kansas History class with our homeschool group. Except my van broke down. When it rains it pours. First hubby's truck and then I get stranded in Wal-mart. It is working now and we are officially looking for a new van! So by the time we got home we were spent and I didn't even consider anything school related!

Have a blessed week.

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