
26 October 2011

Bug is Going to be seen by an Arthritis Specialist-Please Pray

Bug is still complaining of pain in her knees and she has also mentioned other joints in her body lately. When she wakes up in the morning she says she feels stiff. The therapist and I have noticed a change in her walking and other movements. We have even taken her out of PE for awhile.

Some of you may remember that almost a year ago Bug was hospitalized because of the knee swelling and a high fever. The doctor's at the hospital never could figure out what was wrong with her. The pain seems to come and go. She has always for several years had strange fevers that come out of nowhere with no other symptoms.

We are going to have her checked out by a pediatric arthritis specialist next week. Reading on line I see some things that make me think she may have some form of arthritis, but then her symptoms don't have certain attributes either. I don't know what I think about it. All I know is my little girl is complaining of pain in her body. Bug is such a trooper with everything. I just ask for your prayers that the specialist can figure out what is causing all her pain in her joints. I don't want it to be arthritis. I also want to know what is causing the pain. God is in control and whatever it may be I know he will be with us.

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