
14 October 2011

Just In Case You Ever Wonder by Max Lucado

First published in 1992, It is a beautiful hard cover book with simple illustrations. The story talks about different situations and feelings that a child may have and how parents are always there for them. It is a great way to open up a discussion with your child about their thoughts and feelings.

This book starts out with the child as an infant and then each page has the child a little older. Showing that even though they are growing and changing that God loves them unconditionally. A very profound story about a parents love for their children and how much God loves them and of who made them. We as parents need to be there for our children and take time to invest in them and their hearts.

 I love the section in the story that says, “that the same hands that made the stars, canyons, sun and moon made  you! That is why you are so special. God made you.” Very precious words for a parent to tell a child.

I also have mixed feeling about this book. I wasn’t impressed with the part about seeing monsters in the shadows. It just seemed out of place in this book. Some children may get scared by this. My kids were okay with it. My 9 year old daughter told me that,” she didn’t like that part of the book and that as a Christian we know that no monsters can scare us if we believe in Jesus.”

 Another point that I thought would of made this book better is when the parent tells the child that "God wants me to make sure you know about heaven," but does not explain to the child how to get there or who goes to heaven. Yes, I know that is our job as a parent to tell our children that. I guess I was expecting more from this beloved author. Overall a good book, just not one of my favorites.

Disclosure of Material Connection: Thomas Nelson Publishers provided me this Book free as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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