
07 September 2010

The Boy Who Changed the World by Andy Andrew

This story is about a young boy named Norman who lives on a farm in Iowa. While playing in the cornfields with his sisters, he recalls a conversation he had with his Father the previous day. His Father told him, “ How blessed their family is to have so much corn on their farm and that there are many people in the world who do not have enough to eat.” Norman decided that moment while looking at the endless rows of corn, “that he was going to change the world..

Normans actions change the world and help feed more than two billion people. Well maybe it was Normans actions. Or maybe it was Henry, or maybe George, no it has to be Moses. You will just have to read this delightful book to find out who it was that changed the world.

This book is about the decisions we make, and how they affect others. It teaches a wonderful lesson to our children that everything we do matters, that we are important to our Savior. Every move, every action you take matters to yourself and those around us.

My kids love this book as much as I do. We have already read it several times and I don‘t thing it going on the shelf anytime soon. The pictures are beautiful and engaging. I would recommend this book.

Disclosure of Material Connection: Thomas Nelson Publishers provided me this Book free as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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