
07 September 2010

The Thorn by Beverly Lewis

The Thorn by Beverly Lewis

Another great book by Beverly Lewis. The worst part is waiting for the next book, “The Judgment” in the Spring of 2011 in “The Rose Trilogy series” Lewis makes you feel like you know each of the characters personally in all of her books and this is no exception with all the characters.

This story is about two Amish sisters one of them, Rose Kauffman who has been helping care for her mother after and accident left her in much pain and wheel chaired bound. She is past the age most girls in her community marry.

Rose has a close friendship with Nick the bishop’s adopted foster son. Nick has no interest in joining the church and is not trusted or accepted in many ways among his adopted community because of his worldly ways. Rose old beau comes back into her life and is faced with many decisions about her friendship with Nick and has to examine this relationship with the rebellious bishop’s son. She finds herself on the edge of her much loved Amish community.

All the while her sister Hen shows up at her fathers door 5 years after marrying an Englisher. Concerned for her young daughters upbringing in the world. Hen’s desire is for her husband to have a relationship with the Lord and her family. Brandon wants nothing to do with her Amish roots, family or faith. both sisters are faced with many consequences of their actions.

This is a wonderful book with such rich details of the Amish life and is filled with so many surprises and characters. It was a hard book to put down. The only bad thing is waiting for the sequel in the series.

This book has been provided to me my by Bethany House Publisher free of charge and in no way was I asked to give a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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