
10 February 2011

Bosch Universal Mixer

My beloved husband surprised me last week. He bought me a Bosch Universal Mixer with the blender. I have been drooling over it for a couple of years. I have been wanting to make  homemade wheat bread. The thought of hand kneading even with my Kitchen Aid is daunting. The daunting part is the big chunk of time it takes to knead. I have just stuck to making challah bread at this point. I usually will make a batch every month and freeze it. I feel like a kid in the toy store who just got the ulimate toy!

It looks so pretty sitting on my counter. I can't wait to use it this afternoon.

I hope to evenly start grinding my own wheat berries. First, we thought it would be a good idea for me to learn how to make the bread with the the whole wheat flour. Once I have gotten that down we will purchase a grain mill. 

I have made homemade bread in the past with good results. Some have been not so good. I love that fact that the Bosch does all the hard critical work for you. I will keep you updated on my new endeavor making bread.

My first task that I have been assigned to make by six begging eyes is to make the challah bread just as good or better as I have been. Bug informed me that she wants a bigger loaf of challah! I don't think I will have that much of adjustment to do with the Bosch. I guess I will find out this afternoon after school and lunch are finished. Unfortunately, I will not have time to make the challah out-of the oven fresh for Shabbat. Tomorrow is just way to busy to even try.


  1. I have a Bosch too and LOVE it. So much help! I call that, my wheat grinder, and my crock pot my "kitchen servants". ;)

  2. Oh What a wonderful blessing! It's been on my 'list' for a while....praise Yah for it!

  3. What a wonderful surprise! That is on my wish list, along with a Vitamix Blender. I have a KitchenAid (the professional one) but I find I still knead my bread by hand because you can hear the motor straining.
    As for grain mills, I have a Nutrimill. It's loud, but it works well. It was a great investment. I love being able to grind my own flour anytime I want.

    Thanks so much for the follow! I am now following you back.

  4. ...and people say to never give an appliance as a gift! It looks awesome! Have fun with it! Thanks for the follow!

  5. wow...What a wonderful surprise! That is on my wish list, along with a Vitamix Blender. I have a KitchenAid (the professional one) but I find I still knead my bread by hand because you can hear the motor straining.

  6. Hey! Sounds like your life just got a whole lot easier! HHHMMMmmm... or maybe harder - does the family now have higher expectations?

    Thanx so much for visiting and following my blog - have a great weekend!!


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