
07 March 2011

My Bosch Universal Plus

I love my Bosch Universal Plus. It has been so easy to use. I still have a lot to learn. I can't wait to mill my own grain one day. Here are some pictures of what I have made so far.

Challah Bread

Whole Wheat Bread

Not just one loaf! Five!

Little Man rolling out the dough for homemade cinnamon rolls

Bug doing her part

The kids helped me roll them. This is after baking them. For some reason the photo with the icing didn't come out very well.

Whole wheat pizza-yummy!

Bug got her own piece of dough. She is learning how to braid the challah bread and she also made a round doughnut out of the challah dough.

Bug's creation

Little Man's creation. He informed me that they are doughnuts made out of challah dough.


  1. That all looks really great!!

    Thank you for participating this week in the Tuesday Train Blog Hop! I wanted to stop by and say hi! I am a new follower! :)

  2. Awesome. We love making butter and homemade bread too. Love your blog.


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