
20 April 2011

When the Soul Mends by Cindy Woodsmall

When the Soul Mends by Cindy Woodsmall Book Three of the Sisters of the Quilt Series.

Hannah Lapp has left her beloved Owl’s Perch over two years ago after being disgraced and forced out of her Old Order Amish community. She has kept her faith and grown spiritually. She has never truly been able to completely forgive  her family, friends, fiancée and community after her rape. They didn’t believe her. She leaves behind her first love and fiancée Paul Waddell.

 She has found some solitude in the Englischer world. She has a fiancée who she loves Martin Palmer and she is helping him raise his sister’s children. She is ready to graduate and get her nursing degree. Even with everything going good in her life she has held onto many of her Amish ways. She has adapted to some of the modern world and has gained confidence, self-respect and a strong sense of who she is.

Then she receives a frantic call from her sister Sarah. Hannah must go back to Owl’s Perch to help her. Sarah has caused many of the problems that forced Hannah to leave her home. She sees that her sister is suffering from mental health issues and is a danger to herself and others. Her family has refused to seek help for her thinking that everything will be okay. This forces Hannah to seek out help from her former fiancée. Her solitude is about to change.

What a powerful story of forgiveness and redemption. I have enjoyed this book. I was grateful for the author putting in a synopsis of all the characters from the previous books at the beginning. Not having read the other books in this series I found out that I was missing some gaps and knowledge that I couldn’t glean from the synopsis at the beginning. It did help a lot to understand the characters and some of the issues. This is not a stand alone book. I would recommend that you read the first two books, “When the Heart Cries” and “ When the Morning Comes” Never less I would highly recommend this book. I will have to read the other two myself.

Disclaimer: I provided a copy of this book from Waterbrook for free in order to write this review. All thoughts and opinions are mine and were not subject to editing from the publisher.

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