
20 April 2011

Charoset Recipe

This year for our Passover/Pesach celebration I made the Charoset with several other ladies in the congregation. Every year we cater the Passover Seder for around 300 people. We love all the food they prepare Matzah ball soup, beef brisket, carrots, potatoes, salad, and unleavened brownie. We just have never been very happy with the Charoset due to the fact that they make it the same day as the Seder and it doesn't have a chance to sit overnight to get that full flavor. It was good what the caters made but we knew it could be better. We made Charoset with what must be more of a New England flair because it has cranberries in it. The traditional recipe calls for walnuts and cinnamon. It was delicious. Enjoy!

3 cups finely diced apple (about 1 pound) (Granny Smith or Gala)( I used both to have tangy and sweet flavors)

1/2 cup sweetened dried cranberries, minced in blender
1/4 cup undiluted frozen grape juice concentrate (thawed)

4 teaspoons maple syrup

1/3 cup ground pecans or less

1 T. Lime Juice

Combine all ingredients and refrigerate in an air tight container at least 2 hours. It is better made the night before. Keeps for 3-4 days.

1 comment:

  1. This does look REALLY GOOD, but then I think anything is better with pecans :)


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