
20 April 2011

Working Hard to Earn some Money

 Little Man is helping Grandpa load up the tree branches on his trailer. He worked for a good hour and even helped sweep up the driveway.
 Bug is doing her part by looking cute!

We replaced the fence in the back and chopped down the trees that grew in between the neighbors fence and ours. The trees were pushing over the fence. This was a lot of work not to mention wood. Four big trees and the fence.

Little Man is also trying to earn some extra money to buy a toy. He asked me for a $40.00 toy. Ouch! That kind of toy is usually something we buy for special occasions. I told him, " I don't have $40.00 for your toy. Your are going to have to save up for it if you want it." He had $18.00 in his piggy bank. He asked me to help him come up with some ways to earn the rest. Hence the earning part comes in. He also done many other little things to help him earn the extra.

We don't give money to the kids for those things they are suppose to do like clean up their rooms, help pick up around the house and other everyday chores. I just kinda give money out for extraordinary things. It may be for going above and beyond their chores. I love it when they do their chores quickly and even more so when they do it without me reminding them. Unfortunately, that is a rare thing around here.

Allowances? I use to do $2.00 a week. I would pay them in dimes. I would have them take 10 % for tithes, 20% to save and the rest they could do with it what they want to. I don't know what happened to me doing allowances. I guess I just forgot.

Little Man is my saver and can easily save up money for a big toy and usually ends up buying his big sister a toy also. Bug on the other hand would rather take it and blow it at the dollar store.

Little Man ended up saving $45.00 payed his tithes and bought sissy a toy. When we went back to buy the toy it was on sale $27.99. Are you wondering what he wanted so bad it was a Fisher Price Imaginext Police Robot set. Since he so generously offered sissy something I added in a few of the bad guys.Good job Little Man who is kinda growing out of the name and becoming a a big boy.


  1. What a sweet story. It is so nice to read about the good things kids do. You must be so proud. I found your blog through the Friday blog hop on Mom to 4 Blessing's blog and am now a follower.

  2. Such a great lesson! I love it!

    Following from the TGIF hop!
    I'm a homesteading mommy of almost 3!



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