
30 May 2011

End of the Year Show and Tell

Every year my homeschool support group puts on a play and we set up a table to show our family and friends what we did in our school. I am amazed at how creative everyone is.

This is my first year doing it. My kids didn't do the play. It interferred with all of Bug's appointments and therapy. Very time consuming with our already full schedule. We just did the display table.

It surprises me with all the comments that you get from those that don't homeschool. They seem so awed by what we as homeschoolers do with our kids. It is a good oppurnity to show them that yes, we do actually do school and that are kids are really socialized. I don't lock them up inside the house during school.

Since this year was an odd year for schooling with all of Bugs therapy and appointments we didn't do as many hands on activities. The group leader let me put in last years activites along with what we did this year.

It is encouraging to the kids to explain our projects to others. Bug had a blast telling others about her school projects. It really built up her confidence to have others praise her hard work. Everything is hard for her and to hear from someone other than the parents that she is doing a great job is a big plus. Little Man was a bit shy and stood in the background. He was more interested in socializing with his friends.

May the Lord bless you and keep you this day.

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