
28 May 2011

Freedom's Stand by J.M. Windle

 This riveting story is filled with people who seem so real. You almost forget that this is a fiction story. The devotion and sacrifice that each of the characters make all because they choose to follow the Lord. The author captures the culture of what it would be like living in country like Afghanistan. We take our freedom for granted in so many ways. This book will open your eyes to the struggles that others endure.

Jamil was a jihadist until he met Isa Masih or as we know him Jesus the Messiah. Jamil's is passionate to share the love of Isa Masih with the lost in his country of Afghanistan. He has a powerful testimony of faith. He was once full of hate for everyone but his bitterness has turned into compassion. Jamil is willing to share with others Isa regardless of the cost.

Amy Mallory is a relief worker. She has a desire to minister to women who are treated like property not a human being. She wants them to find freedom in Isa Masih. She is dismayed at the changes in the organization that she is working with. The changes could have a dramatic implication on the women and children in her care.

Special Forces Steve Wilson is searching for something yet he isn’t sure what it is until he observes the lives of Amy and Jamil.

Farah is a young woman in which this story begins with. She captured my heart. I could not imagine her plot in this story. Her pain and desire to be loved is enough to break your heart.

This story suspenseful, a little splash of romance, and packed full of faith in action. It will give you a glimpse into the daily life of the Afghanistan people. I don’t think my words can accurately describe this book. You will have to read it yourself. You will not be disappointed. The gospel is very prominent in this story. The story is 428 pages and well worth it. I would highly recommend this book.

Tyndale House Publishers has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book. In no way was I asked to give a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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