
12 May 2011

I am still here

I know I have been missing from blogging lately. I guess I should tell you what has kept me away. We have been busy with end of the year school stuff. Little Man finished his main curriculum last week. He is pretty excited that he can start kindergarten next year.  He is not off the hook this summer with school. I am going to have him still work on reading. I have been doing  All About Reading with him. Which he begs me to do. I think he likes me bringing out Zig Zag the Zebra the most. I will tell you more about AAR later! I have a few workbooks to keep him busy also. He loves workbooks.

As for Bug and her being finished this year. Not anytime soon! All of her appointments this year and the extra therapy made for a crazy schedule. She will be finishing up sometime in late July. I have to do school year around with her anyways. Usually, it would be the minimum amount to keep those skills fresh. I look forward next year to a normal more organized schedule.

I have a book review that I have to get done before I forget what I want to say about it. It has been that bad the last few weeks. I will usually write up a review as soon as I am done with the book. It is a wonderful book that I want to share my thoughts on.

Have a blessed day. I better do that book review, like now!

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