
02 May 2011

Blood Covenant by Lisa Harris Mission of Hope Series

Blood Covenant by Lisa Harris Mission of Hope Series

Dr. Paige Ryan has been volunteering with the “Volunteers of hope International in Africa in the Republic of Dhambizao and then tragedy strikes and she is ready to head back to the states in four days. Before she heads back she is asked to lead setting up a refuge site where the situation is critical until others can get in place to take over. The need for shelter, water, sanitation, and food are critical.

Nick Gilbert is a pilot for Compassion Air, joins the team to help with flying supplies in and out of the refuge camp.

Unrest in the country among the Ghost Soldiers and the government. The Ghost Soldiers are desperate to take extreme measure to get the government to meet their demands. They have been attacking civilians and now they attack a group of American mountain climbers. Dr. Paige and her team respond to rescuing the survivors and have no choice but to bring them into the refuge camp.

Unknown to anyone they discover that one of the trekkers is carrying an infectious disease and are desperate to get supplies and help into the camp before it turns into an epidemic.  The Ghost Soldiers have other plans for the camp and the already bad situation is a matter of life and death.

What a great book. It was filled with suspense, action, and faith filled. So many different characters in this story. The author did a good job with the sobering reality each individual face. A very realistic novel. I would love to see these characters in another book. I had no idea how this story would turn out. How refreshing is that. This has been the first book that I have read by Lisa Harris and I am sold! It has been a long time since I have read a book that I absolutely love 100%.  This is the second book in the series and I can‘t wait to read the first book.

Disclaimer: I provided an advanced reader copy of this book from Zondervan for free in order to write this review. All thoughts and opinions are mine and were not subject to editing from the publisher.


  1. Thanx for the follow, backatcha! I LOVE meeting fellow homeschoolers and reading their blogs!

  2. Hello. Stopping by from the Wednesday blog hop. I'm a follower already. Have a great day:)

  3. Hi I am new follower from the uk
    Loved your blog
    please come visit me anytime

  4. Stopping by from Wednesday blog hop. Homeschooler here too! Following your blog now.


  5. I always love meeting a fellow homechooling mom! So thrilled that you enjoyed Blood Covenant. Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.

    Happy Reading!


  6. Sounds interesting - but oh, so different to life downunder here in OZ!

    Hope you're having a great weekend!


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