
26 May 2011

I See Cards Fractazmic Review

A while back I received a card game from I see cards. I see cards gave out free decks of their card games. They offered three of their card games:

Pryramath-Add, subtract, multiply, and divide

Fractazmic-Numbers, fractions, and measuring

Primebomb-Learning the primes

They also have this card game:

I see cards-Language learning and basic math all in one

I selected the Fractazmic game. It is for first - eight grade. It is designed to be a two-four player game. The object of the game is to create as many hands as possible before a player runs out of cards. A hand is made my adding together the fraction cards within a suit to equal one. There are three different suits that can be made by color. When a player runs out of cards the player with the most hands is the winner. The card game is teaching numbers, fractions, and measurements.


My thoughts on this game. Having a child with special needs I am always on the look out for hands on teaching. The cards are very reasonable at $6.95. The cards are sturdy and high quality. They have additional ways to play the game with instructions located online. That is a big plus to mix up the learning fun. They offer some online games for free to enhance those math skills
This particular game is simple to play and understand. Math is not Bug’s best subject and she was able to understand the instructions with some assistance. She enjoyed playing Fractazmic. She didn’t even get frustrated playing. That tells me she liked the game a lot. She can be difficult when doing things involving math. We have played it several times. Now, you have to remember that a lot of task are difficult for my daughter due to her medical issues. When I run across something that helps her to break down things in a fun bite size learning I am a very happy mommy. I look forward to trying out the other games in the future. I highly recommend Fractazmic.  

I received a complimentary copy of this card game. was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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