
10 October 2011

Harvest Time

Doesn't it seem odd that it is October and I am harvesting more in my garden than I did in July and August? I know we had such a hot summer. I really didn't expect much to come out of the garden this year. I questioned my sanity about watering it. The kids liked to go out into the garden for the little time that we spent outside this last summer. I ended up justifying watering the fruitless garden for the kids sake. Well, I am glad I did.

I will end up picking a lot more this week. I will have a supply of peppers this year! My bell peppers are smaller and not as meaty as I would like them to be. I will take what I can get.

I am hoping my watermelon makes it or the cold temperature holds off a little while longer. A friend told me that if the weather gets to cold before the watermelon ripens we can make watermelon syrup out of unripe watermelon. Never heard of it but she assures that that it is wonderful. The only thing I haven't seen are cucumbers and tomatoes. Just lots of flowers from the plants.

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