
21 November 2011

National Bible Week and a Giveaway

Did you know that November 20-27 is National Bible Week? Well, I didn't either until recently! I have been pondering how difficult it is translating the modern day Bible in to English?

For starters, I have been trying to learn Biblical Hebrew for awhile. Because of this endeavor I have to say I can understand why there are so many different translations. There are so many different meanings for one Hebrew word. Hebrew originally didn't have any vowels. I couldn't image! Another reason I like to say God must have a sense of humor!

We have a scroll at our congregation that is very old and without vowels. Every week the men and women who are more confident in their abilities read the weekly Torah portions. I am not one of them-I like my vowels. Maybe one day I will be brave enough to try! (Yes, I relize that some of it is written in that Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.) One word in Hebrew can have several meanings. There are 4 differnt ways to spell the word tent in Hebrew! The word mountain or hill is written the same way. I am sorry- but, when I read the word hill. I am not thinking of a mountain. Those words in my mind form a totally different concepts. That is just the tip of the ice berg. I have an appreciation for those who do take the time to translate God's precious words for the common people like me! As anyone who reads my blog knows that I am no scholar. Good thing for you! I just enjoy reading, studying God's word.

I have been giving and opportunity to review and blog about a new translation for several months. The Common English Bible. I will be sharing a lot about it over the next few months.

2 Timothy 3:15-17
15 Since childhood you have known the holy scriptures that help you to be wise in a way that leads to salvation through faith that is in Christ Jesus. 16 Every scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for showing mistakes, for correcting, and for training character, 17 so that the person who belongs to God can be equipped to do everything that is good.

Now for the giveaway!

One person will receive a copy of the Common English Bible softcover edition.


1. Stop by the Common English Bible website and look around.

2. Go here and look up your favorite scripture. Select the Common English Bible in the "select version" and copy and past it in a comment section in this post.

3. Giveaway is from November 21, 2011 -November 27, 2011. Since this is a busy week of  spending time with family and lots of cooking going on. I may extend the date.
If you don't win- check back often because I will have the opportunity to giveaway several CEB over the next few months.

§ Facebook Bible Like Page

The legal stuff:

The winner will have 48 hours from the time notified to claim the prize. Otherwise, the prize I’ll draw another winner. I received a copy of the Common English Bible for free for the review. I was not compensated in any other way. All opinions are 100% my own and were not influenced by the company. I write only what I believe. 


  1. Psalms 139:13

    You are the one who created
    my innermost parts;
    you knit me together
    while I was still in my mother’s womb.

    Dave K

  2. John 3:16

    Common English Bible (CEB)

    16 God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him won’t perish but will have eternal life.

    Theresa T( See you around !!!!)


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