
22 November 2011

Thanksgiving Blessings

Thanksgiving Blessings

Can you believe it's almost Thanksgiving? We are getting closer to the end of 2011. Thanksgiving is a good time to start to reflect on the year. What are you thankful for in 2011?

I am thankful most of all for my Savior. I am thankful for my children, family, my friends. My congregation and that I have a place to learn and worship with others. With the economy being so bad- I am thankful that my beloved husband has a job. That we have a home, and food in our cabinets. I am thankful that I can stay home with my children and homeschool them.

When we look in Scripture, we find many instances of-thanks.

When we are "thankful for all things", we are acknowledging that God is in control and we can trust Him, even if we don't understand.
Are you thankful for the smallest things, such as waking up in the morning to a messy house. I try to remember to be thankful that I had a bed to sleep in last night, or even a home that can be a mess. That can be difficult and sometimes it makes me want to be grouchy.

Consider Job- What an amazing man. When we are "thankful for all things", we are acknowledging that God is in control and we can trust Him, even if we don't understand. Job was a good example of this kind of trust. 
Job 1:20

  20 Job arose, tore his clothes, shaved his head, fell to the ground, and worshipped. 21 He said: “Naked I came from my mother’s womb; naked I will return there. The LORD has given; the LORD has taken; bless the LORD’s name.” 22 In all this, Job didn’t sin or blame God. 

 Job can still bless the Lord after all the lost he endured? He was truly thankful to God. He hung on and endured and God showed mercy and blessed Job for his faithfulness. Job truly was an amazing man. I love the book of Job. It is a good book to read in the scripture during this time.

Consider Colossians 3:15:
15 The peace of Christ must control your hearts—a peace into which you were called in one body. And be thankful people.

1 Thessalonians 5:18
18 Give thanks in every situation because this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
 I learned that when I gave thanks in all things. I will give thanks that God allowing me to wake up another day to a messy house. Then my heart can began to change. As my heart is renewed I am able to be even more thankful.  Although my circumstances did not change and I still have a messy house- my heart did, and I am able to be a more grateful as a wife, a mommy, and a homeschool teacher. 

When I practice being thankful in those small things like a messy house. How much more I am able to be thankful in the big things that bring me to my knees to cry out to HIM!

Thankfulness is truly a heart issue. I know that when I hear angry words coming out of my mouth, I need to go before Yeshua and have Him adjust my heart. What do your words reveal about the condition of your heart? Is it time for you to offer up a thankful heart of thanksgiving to HIM?

Chronicles 16:33-34  
Common English Bible (CEB)
33 Then the trees of the forest
will shout out joyfully
   before the LORD, because he is coming
   to establish justice on earth!
34 Give thanks to the LORD
because he is good,
   because his faithful love
   endures forever.

If even the trees in the forest can shout out joyful-how much more can we be joyful and thankful!

I pray that you will remember this past year and give thanks for all the ways the Lord has blessed you. May His peace and that the words of your mouth overflow with thankfulness.

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