01 September 2010
One Hand, Two Hands by Max Lucado

My kids love this fun rhyming story about a little girls who learns the many things her hands can do. My kids made this in an action book and did the same thing the character did with her hands. They counted fingers, pretended to brush hair, raised their left and right hand and many other things.

The best thing about this book is the message about serving others with our hands. We can help mommy clean up around the house and give hugs to others. With our hands we can pray and worship our Savior. It is a wonderful character training book for children 7 and under. It is a great book to lead into discussion afterwards about the things that we do that are bad with our hands. Hitting, stealing and not helping clean up after ourselves. We compared it to the many things in the book. This book will be read several times around here. I would recommend it. It is filled with fun and delightful illustrations that are sure to capture kids imagination.

Disclosure of Material Connection: Thomas Nelson Publishers provided me this Book free as part of their book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.


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