02 December 2011

Week In Review-Week #14

We are in Sonlight Core C week #14

Scripture memory this week:
 30 He must increase and I must decrease.

Our read-out-loud is, "The Door in the Wall" and "Customs and Manners in the Middle Ages" We finished, "The Tales of Robin Hood".

Monday-We had only speech therapy this week for Bug. Little Man completed his school work with flying colors at the hospital.

We are still exploring the Middle Ages. We are navigating our way through the Crusades. The kids meet Richard the Lion Heart more in dept. They had learned a little bit about him in Robin Hood. He is a fascinating King. The kids requested to learn more about him. I told them I would look into it and see if I can pull it off. So if anyone out there knows of any resources-Please pass it on! We located England, Germany, and Israel on the map. The kids stamped their passports.

We learned about Samoa and the believers in this country. Did you know that it is considered a christian nation? I didn't know. The kids wanted to see more pictures on this country so we goggled it and went to You Tube.

We are still learning about the different types of birds in science this week. We should touch on the planets at the end of the week.

Bug started on a new Life Pac. We are in the state of Washington. Which Bug was excited to add something to her USA passport. Little Man was sad so we let him join in to visit Washington. He wanted to stamp that passport! The main focus in this unit will be centered around apples.

Tuesday- Bug is still working on her old Horizon Math book from grade 1 that we didn't finish. She feels pretty proud of herself being able to do much of it without mom's help. Who am I to complain. Even though she has mastered those skills overall. I don't have the heart to tell her. It is building up her confidence which is good! Right now it is reviewing fractions. and adding 3 digit numbers. It is book 2 and we are more that half way finished.

Little Man is learning how to work with pennies and dimes and figuring out how to convert them into cents.

He is still loving All About Spelling. He informed me that Ziggy has to help out even in this new book. So, Ziggy paid him a visit!

For PE Little Man played kick ball and did sit-up, push ups, and made bridges. After PE we went to a friends house so Bug could work on her presentation for the 4-H club. She has been given permission to have an older kid help her out. 4-H likes the kids to give a less one presentation a year to build those public speaking skill. Afterwards Little Man stayed and had a play date and Bug and me headed to her Dr. appointment.

Wednesday- After we finished our 3 R's we visited a group of people in Ethiopia called the Falashas. I was actually familiar with this group and was excited to share it with the children. The Falashas are black Jews who observe the Sabbath, read the Torah and basically everything that a practicing Jewish person does. We read about them going back home to Israel with, "Operation Moses" and Operation Solomon" The kids had lots of questions. I love it. Of course we located the county both Ethiopia and Israel and marked it in our passports. Bug informed me that I need a passport book for myself!!  

In our "Manners and Customs of the Middle Ages" we are reading about child birth and the mortality rate of both child and mother. We then learned about the different marriage ceremonies of the middle ages.

Thursday-Mom was feeling under the weather some so we had a very light day. Daddy even came home sick in the early afternoon-which is very rare for him to be sick much less miss work. That kinda put a wrench in the school day. Which is okay.

Friday- Today the plan is mostly to work on the 3 R's. We will learn about the church in the United Arab Emirates. Then we will do some Kansas History. I will complete this post later on when school is done.
We have some errands to run today so it should be a lighter day.

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