18 May 2012

Week In Review-Week #35 & #36

This will be my last week posting my Week-in-Review until we start up next school year. We finished our Sonlight curriculum. That doesn't mean the learning has stopped:0). We still have a few odds and ends to tie up for this school year.

We are in Sonlight Core C week #35 & #36.

Scripture memory this week: 

We reviewed all previous learned scriptures.


We are doing "The Narrow Way" by the Parables. 


We are reading, "Buffalo Song", by Joseph Bruchac and "Bumblebee", by J.V. Wilson & Adrienne Kennaway

For our poetry "Aesop's Fables" and "Poetry for Young People The Seasons". We we have finished both books.

 Physical Education
Is done for the year as far as classes are concerned.

Therapy and Appointments

Bug had Speech, Occupational, and Physical therapy. Horse therapy for the spring session will be over next week. We may be starting the summer session in June.

Window on the World

I haven't done anything for the last two weeks in this area.

History & Geography

We have been learning about War World I, War World II, Korea War, and the Vietnam War a little. 
Language Arts, Math, and Misc Studies

Bug wrote a poem this week about, "Busy Bees". She did a good job writing out the whole poem by herself. It took her awhile to get it all down on the paper. After wards we cut out a beehive and glued the poem inside the hive. Then she added bug and flower stickers to it. 

We have double up on math and language arts so we can finish up everything  soon. 


We are finishing up "Dinosaur Unleashed". We had a person come through our congregation this last week and give a presentation on Noah's Ark. He had a model of the ark and many fossils to touch and see. He spoke about Noah's Ark and the flood. How the dinosaurs are not millions of years old. I will post pictures when the time permits.

That was fun for the kids to see. Since we have been study it in school it was even better. I didn't know this presentation was going to happen until a week ago. I love it when that happens.

We have been watching, "Awesome Science" Grand Canyon and Yellowstone by Master books. I should have a review up on the video's soon. 

Have a blessed summer. I will post some of our summer activities.


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