11 July 2012

Little House on the Prairie Museum Visit

Last week we took a short 2 day vacation. First we headed down in south eastern Kansas Our first stop was Independence, Kansas and the Little House on the Prairie Museum. I was excited to finally visit this museum. I am a huge fan of, "Little House on the Prairie". My kids had fun exploring the site.

 The Ingall's Homestead in Rutland Township in Montgomery County in Independence, Kansas. This is a replica of the one room cabin described in the book.

 To imagine that I complain about needing more room for stuff. It made me feel ungrateful after seeing the size of the home. The Ingall's lived in this area from 1869 to 1871.
 Everything is in one big room. Little Man thought it was pretty neat having bedroom, kitchen, dining room, and living room all together.
Bug had fun exploring the home. Then she noticed a cool bug!

 The back side of the cabin.
 The side view. What a view to the open prairie from that small window.
 A hand dug well.

 Leave Little Man in charge of the camera and you get a picture of the outhouse toilet. This was one of the neatest parts of the homestead to him. He thought it would be fun having to go outside all the time to have to do your business. Easy for him to say on a beautiful summer day.

 They had a restored post office on the site. This is a small walk in area with living quarters behind this wall.
 In the back of the post office was a one room living area.
 Sunnyside School. 1872-1947
 Some of the readers and toys used in this time period.
 More toys and games that the children would play.
 The medicine used during the pioneer days. Along with a few catalogs and other fun things to see.
 Funny reading what was used to cure sickness back then.

A family picture of our outing.

Next year we start on American history. I was excited that the kids got to see this before we start school. Next stop is Oklahoma for the rest of our vacation. Have a blessed day.


  1. HOW COOL! I loved the show to, as a matter of fact when Jacob was born his nick name has been Halfpint :D, only recently I turned on the show, asked Jacob to come here and I said see Laura ,and I pointed,he said yes, I said watch,and her paw called her halfpint, I said NOW you know where your Nick name came from :D

  2. Hi Renee! My ten year old has read all the Little House series and is currently on the Rose Years. I showed her this post and she LOVED it; especially the map and the schoolroom photo of books the children would have read!
    Glad you guys had a good time!
    Yah bless,
    Lusi :-)


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