20 August 2012

I Really Dislike Mosquitoes

I really dislike mosquitoes more than usual. I was feeling so wonderful after the surgery and along came a little pest that had dinner on me.

I have a mild case of West Nile. It started last Monday and hit me hard by the evening. At first I just had body aches. I thought it was maybe from all the resting that I have been doing.:0) I was feeling stiff all over. Next came the fatigue and then the high fever. The Doctor first drew blood to make sure it wasn't an infection from the surgery. Which the blood work came out negative for any infection.

After ruling out other things and since it is spreading some around here it was decided I have West Nile. It's a viral infection so I can only take medicine to keep the fever and the body aches down. It just doesn't work on the extreme fatigue.

I am still not feeling 100% and it has already been 8 days. It could last up to several weeks to a few days. The good news is that I am not contagious! Comforting.

 I could of been bitten before the surgery and it is could just now be showing itself. Most folks don't even show any symptoms.

I have to say I am a little frustrated by it all. I want to get back to a normal schedule. School is not happening this week. I am shooting to start next week at a slower pace.

Keep me in your prayers cause I am feeling frustrated at those little critters. I am also very grateful that it is not the more severe form. I can count my blessings.


  1. Praying for you Renee

  2. Bless your heart! I hope you are feeling better soon. Prayers for you are going up.
    Hugs, Paula



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