08 August 2012

Our Curriculum 2012-2013

 This is what we are planning on doing for the 2012/2013 year.
 Subjects that the kids will do together:

  I like to change up the format in Bible. Depending on what is going on in our lives to adjust it to what is needed for spiritual growth.

Grapevine Bible Studies.

Sonlight Bible Core 3
The Narrow Way-Character Curriculum & Family Bible Devotional by the Pearables.

Proverbs People by Rick and Marilyn Boyer.

ARTistic Pursuits we will do K-3 Book 3.

We will finish this up from last year-Sonlight has a series in the electives which we will use-How Artist See Feelings, How Artist See the Elements.

I have no idea at this point.

We do PE weekly with the Wichita Angels which is a homeschool based PE group. They offer weekly PE classes and sports camps.

Little Man is doing Karate and loving it.

Our science covers some health issues and I add different things that I put together.

 Sonlight American History Part 1.

Sonlight  Science 3

Memoria Press -Insects

Simple Schooling-Bugs

Sonlight American History Part 1.

Foreign Language-

Aleph Champ and the kids have a weekly class at the Synagogue.


Word Roots Software Level A.

Bug:4th grade

Language Arts and Grammar-

Bob Jones English 4 Writing and Grammar. Since writing is so hard for her we have to do some adaptations for her. Lots of iPad apps.

All About Spelling We absolutely LOVE this program, and if you haven’t tried it, go see for yourself. It’s a multi-sensory phonics and spelling curriculum that is super easy to use!

Phonics and reading are something I have to be so creative with. I feel like a smorgis board in this area but, it works for Bug somehow. I make all these programs fit together so I am not doing each curriculum by itself as a whole. She just needs a lot of continuous work in this area.

Go Phonics-  I don't use the handwriting part of the program.(It has a neat handwriting curriculum included) They have games, worksheets, and reading books that go along with each lesson. I add the Orton Gillingham approach with the sounds. I like the worksheets because they are not so busy as other programs. They don't get carried away with to many questions. The print is large with lots of writing space!

Tatras now and then for review.

Math U See Gamma

Spectrum Math

Sonlight geography.

Life Pace History and Geography 4.

Lots of mapping and our homemade passports.

Kumon- Handwriting Cursive

Modern Style Handwriting B


Typing Instructor Platinum for Kids

Little Man:1st Grade

Little Man loves textbooks.

Language Arts/Phonics/Reading-
Horizon Phonics and Reading 1.

First Language Lessons

RightStart Math Level B

Bob Jones Handwriting 1st grade

Sonlight geography.

Life Pace History and Geography 1.

Lots of mapping and our homemade passports.

 All About Spelling.


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