27 October 2010

Time Timer Review

As a mom who homeschool's teaching time management is very important to me. Bug has a hard time focusing and I found that I needed to set time limits on her to complete task. This has also been my attempt to teach her some independence. She doesn't seem to have or even understand the passage of time. She can tell you the time but the concept of time just doesn't quite click with her. Last year my timer journey began.

Never in my life would I think that a timer or the type of a timer would matter. I found out the hard way. Last year I had a kitchen timer. The one that makes that wind-up toy sound. Well much to my dismay, it drove Bug crazy 90% of the time. I didn't realize that noises are one of her sensory issues that she faces. Then I found a digital timer that I had laying around. Well, I got a time up date to the second-so that one was out the window.
She is more focus on telling me of the time changing. Well after that timer she loves to tell me when the microwave changes and every other clock in the house. AAHHHHH! That is an off and on thing even now.

My goal last summer was to look for a timer that was quite. At first I thought I would pick up one of those with the lights that stand up straight thinking it would be a good fit for her. NOT a good idea after all- we got a refurbished computer in the classroom and the screen saver distracted her to no end. The lights and movement on the screen got her not being able to take her eyes off the monitor.That idea went out the window with the lighted timer. Then a friend of mine told me about the cool one that she picked up. I loved it and it fit the bill for my Bug to the tee.

The Time Timer-I found it in listed in several places recommended for children, and adults with special needs. It cost $29.99. I can't believe I spent that much on a timer. It is well worth the money.

 It is quite and the elapse of time is a tangible concept for Bug. It is easy to work. There is a clear knob that you just slide down to however minutes you need for your task. My timer is 8" and it has both the visual and audible component. They have other sizes available. Its  light weight and not bulky. Overall I would say it is durable product. I love it and it has been well used already.

The buzzer is a little to quite. It does have a switch to adjust the sound-it's either really low or low. I wish it had an option to go louder. You do have to be in the immediate area of the timer in order to hear the alarm go off. I would recommend that an adult adjust the time if your kids are rough with things. I could see the red plastic timer part being yanked out. I would like some kind of plastic glass cover over the face of the timer.

I also found a new school resource place to shop. I was very impressed with how fasted it shipped out. I ordered it Wednesday night and got it Friday afternoon. I didn't pay extra for shipping. I thought it would be a week out. I was able to start my school year with the new timer. As a homeschool mom it is important to get what I need quickly. They have reasonable prices that can go head to head with other stores. They also have a great selection of special  needs products, manipulative's, furniture, allergen free products and curriculum. Lots of toys for all ages. I had no problem with their website. Checkout was quick and easy. Check out this store I think you will be impressed. Discount School Supplies. I found a great timer and a new place to shop. Blessings<><


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