21 June 2011

Prairie Rose Field Trip Part 2 Snakes and Ferrets

Snakes and Ferrets and lots of them! I found out a lot about my kids personality when we came across the snakes and Ferrets. Bug has no fear! Which I don't know if it is a good thing. She walked up and had to pick up every creepy crawling thing. She loved the snakes and thinks we should have one as a pet. I don't think so!!! Mom would not like the snakes in my house.
She just had to put them all around her neck! What's wrong with that child!
This is a Boa Constrictor. She told the man that she wanted to hold it by herself. He told her, "sorry I can not allow this snake to be handled without me" Talk about one relieved mommy! I forgot the exact lenght he said it was. I think it was around 10'. Much to long for me to think of my baby holding by herself. This was just a few of the snakes.

Wonder why I don't have any pictures of Little Man holding one? He was scared of them all. He was very worried about sister handling the snakes. Especially the boa he thought it might eat her. I did get him to touch the Boa after I touched it.

He did enjoy the soft cuddly ferrets. More to his liking and not to mention moms!
Of course, Bug had to hold the Ferrets. Every one since they had more than one. Stay tuned for more of our field trip tomorrow.


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