22 October 2011

Week In Review-Week #9

We have had a fun filled week filled with knights and castles. The medieval time is so much fun with kids. What kid doesn't love castles! Not to mention all the cool armor that the knight wear. This week has been filled with more home time also!

We are in Sonlight Core C week #9

Scripture memory this week Colossians 3:20, Shema, which we do daily.

Our read-out-loud is Castle Diary. We finished reading The Minstrel in The Tower.

Monday-started out with Bug's usual speech, occupational, and physical therapy. Little Man was so tired after our camping out last weekend I wasn't sure he was going to accomplish much. He was a trooper and did his school work at the hospital even with a smile on his face. He is starting to learn constant digraph this week and is catching on to them with ease!

When we got home Bug completed her required task with much joy knowing that we had a castle to play with. We worked some more on our Knight Lapbook.

 This wasn't a craft that the kids built. It was complex enough that mom had to do it. Really, it wasn't hard-more of needing to concentrate on the task. I built it over the summer and managed to hide it until now.

We pulled out a book that I found at a used book store on castles in Wales. Wow, lots of castles in such a small area. The kids had fun looking at all the different castles from ruins to ones that are occupied. The book is now in Little Man's room! Don't think I'm going to get it back anytime soon.

Tuesday- Little Man was complaining of a sore throat. We stayed home from PE since it was a bit chilly outside and classes were scheduled outside today. School still went on the slave driver that I am!

After the kids finished the three R's we explored Morocco in the Riffi Berbers region. Learned about the life style and some of the beliefs in faith that they have and how life is for those who do follow Yeshua. The kids located Morocco on the map and stamped their passports.

Little Man is starting to skip count and tell time. Skip counting is coming along easy enough. He isn't so keen with learning to read a clock. He thinks all clocks should be banned except digital so he won't have to learn it the other way. He informed me that he can tell time with the digital clocks. Mmmm..a little ornery with this declaration.

In science we are still studying the human body and today we learned about our skeleton system. We don't celebrate Halloween but now is a great time to buy skeletons to show your kids when you study bones. The kids could see how the joints work using the model. Also it is a lot cheaper buying it this way than a kit.


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