25 April 2012

Covenant Child by Terri Blackstock

Twin year old girls Lizzie and Kara are happy three-year-old. They just got a new mommy, "Amanda" a few months back who loves them as if they are her own. Amanda can even tell the identical twins apart. The girls real mommy died in car cash when they where just a few weeks old.

Jack their daddy is fun, loving, and loves the Lord deeply. Daddy was also born into a billionaire family and has chosen to make it own his own without his fathers inheritance.

Then the unthinkable happens Jack and his parents die in a plane crash. Leaving Amanda with the twins. She made a promise to Jack to always take care of the girls if anything were to happen to him. She has to now deal with a billion dollar estate and company.

Which that much money the twins are gold mines. Then the grandparents show up from the deceased mothers side. Claiming next to kin with raising the girls. Amanda and Jack had started the adoption paperwork except it was still not completed upon Jack's death.

After a nasty legal custody battle the grandparents walk away with 10 million and the twins. Amanda vows to never stop trying to get the girls back and to preserve their inheritance and the company their grandfather built. Hoping one day the girls will carry on the company.

The grandparents squander the 10 million on gambling and drinking. The girls are left to fend for themselves as the grandparents live life like they aren't even there. They grow up abused and in a filthy trailer. Dumpster diving to get clothes. The girls have each other. As you would expect teenager girls left without boundaries are going to explore things they shouldn't.

My opinion on this book is mixed. I enjoy Terri Blackstock's books. She has always been one of the author's I search out when I need a good read.

This was a book that was fast paced, easy to read, and hard to put down. Some parts are predictable and other parts surprised me some.  The story just seemed shallow in some areas. The grandparents seem so unreal-almost comical.  I would of rather seen them a little more developed and not simple minded and foolish.

The girls have developed characters and seem real enough but yet lack depth. Like I said I have mixed feelings on this book. I wouldn't say this book was a let down as it was an enjoyable read. Much different than the authors other books.

Yes, I would recommend this book. Not by far my favorite book by Terri Blackstock. The ending was horrible as it ended so quickly. It just didn't close up well in my opinion. I would of love to see more of the transition into their new lives. It made is seem unreal that two girls with such a messed up past would just walk into this fairy tale ending without any problems. You will just have to read it for yourself and decide.
Booksneeze has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book. In no way was I asked to give a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own

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