03 May 2012

The Real Kosher Jesus by Dr. Michael Brown

Jesus-Yeshua. The most influential Jew who ever lived. The most controversial Jew who ever lived.

He has been called a rabbi, a rebel, a reformer, a religious teacher, a reprobate sinner, a revolutionary, a redeemer. Some have claimed he was a magician, others the Messiah. Some say he was a deceiver; others say he was divine. Who is this Jesus-Yeshua, and why are we still talking about him two thousand years later?

Recently a prominent Orthodox Jewish rabbi presented a new version of Jesus, a “Kosher Jesus” that Jews can accept. By reclaiming Yeshua as a fellow Jew and rabbi, he has taken a very major and truly wonderful step in the right direction, but by re-creating Jesus, he has also robbed him of his uniqueness.

The Real Kosher Jesus is an insightful book. Dr. Brown explains Jesus/Yeshua within his Jewish context. That yes he was Jewish and therefore he did the things that any observant Jewish man would of done. Showing Yeshua's Jewishness helps us to understand more of the scriptures in the way it was attended.

My thoughts on this book:

The progressiveness of Brown's writing builds on itself. Presenting the gospel of our Messiah Yeshua is such a beautiful way that He is truly a Jewish Messiah and not a blonde-haired blue eyed Savior as the pictures have been painted throughout the church history.

Dr. Brown will show you varies resources ranging from the New Testament to show Yeshua's Jewishness, and from several different books written by Jewish rabbis and professors. He will show you that Yeshua didn't start a new religion, replace Israel, and was anti-Jewish. He does the same for Paul(Sha'ul).

I have not read the book,”The Real Kosher Jesus” by Rabbi Boteach so I can not comment on his writing-just on what Dr. Brown wrote about it in the book. You can still read this book without having read his book. I feel that Dr. Brown explains what Rabbi Boteach's intent is and Dr. Brown does a beautiful job refuting the Rabbis claims.

I feel that reading this book in my opinion that there is no doubt that Yeshua is the Messiah. I would strongly recommend this book if you are searching for a deeper understanding of our Messiah Yeshua. What a wake-up call for both the Jewish people and the christian church to see the true identy of Yeshua.
Disclaimer: I provided an advanced reader copy of this book from Charisma House for free in order to write this review. All thoughts and opinions are mine and were not subject to editing from the publisher.


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