13 April 2012

Week In Review-Week #31

We are in Sonlight Core C week #31. 

Scripture memory this week: 

We reviewed all previous learned scriptures.


We are still doing "The Narrow Way" by the Parables. 


Our read-out-loud this week is, "The Little Riders" by Margaretha Shemin

For our poetry "Aesop's Fables" and "Poetry for Young People The Seasons"

 Physical Education
PE this week Little Man played baseball. Bug climbed hills and searched for insects.

Therapy and Appointments

Bug had speech therapy and we started back into horse therapy again this week. No Doctor appointments for Bug just mommy appointments! Little Man stepped on a rusty nail on Sunday evening and so we took him into to get it checked out and to get a tetanus shot. Pretty ugly ouchy he got from that nail.

Window on the World

This week we learned about South Korea and Vietnam. The kids located it on the map and stamped their passports. 

The kids recognized South Korea this week in the news and we talked a lot about it. I had pictures of Korea and Vietnam from my father as he served in both wars. My father took a lot of pictures of both country. The kids enjoyed seeing the pictures of such beautiful countries. Most are from Vietnam and its country side.

History & Geography

We talked a lot about War War II with  Holocaust Memorial Day (April 19th)  coming up. We also spoke of Israel Independence Day also(April 26th).  

I don't shy away from the Holocaust with my kids. I think that it is something they need to know. They aren't to young to hear about it in my opinion.

Bug finished her unit test on her Life Pac for the California unit.

 Language Arts, Math, and Misc Studies 

 We finished a lot this week in all areas. I even double up since we had a lighter week in the other areas. 
Little Man started on subtraction this week. He already knew a little bit but has never seen it written out. Interesting how that can throw them off. After a few questions he whizzed through it. I think Little Man is going to be strong in Math.

Little Man also read, "Green Eggs and Ham"

Bug was very motivated this week with doing extra work by herself. I will cherish those moments with her. They don't happen to often. It makes mommy and her real proud when it does happens.

The kids are still learning their Alef Bet. They also are starting a Hebrew class at our Synagogue.


The kids pulled out some of our Magic School Bus books to read. We read, "The Magic School Bus Inside the Earth" and we are still reading "The Magic School Bus Flies with the Dinosaurs"

Bug and I are working on pinning insects and getting our display box ready. We having been hunting for insects a lot. I am trying to keep up with getting them all labeled and pinned. 

Little Man caught his first butterfly in the net this week. He was so excited!

We went to the plant nursery and bought flowers for our garden. We are looking forward to planting them. If it would just stop raining now!

Have a blessed week and Shalom!


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