07 May 2012

Snuggles' Japanese Alps Adventures by Tim Ostermeyer

Snuggles knows how freezing cold it can get in the Japanese Alps. Will he plan ahead to have enough time to the Japanese hot springs before the bad winter storms arrive?

Snuggles is an adorable blue-eyed snow monkey who has been taught wisely by his beloved mother. He knows how to extend kindness and forgiveness to his friends. You can see that they are a tight knit family that love and care for one another.

Like all families sometimes we forget that we need to stay on task. Snuggles and his troop head off to the hot springs to keep warm in the harsh winter ahead of them.

It was so tempting not to play along the way. The jungle is so much fun. So much exploring to do in God's wonderful world.

The trip is hard when you have to climb mountains, jump over rivers, and not to mention tree climbing! Wee heee so much fun! They kinda stopped for a few weeks to find themselves enduring the first snow storm of the year while trying to trek to the hot springs. It was very difficult when the snow started. Good thing for family & friends who can help one another.

This book includes fact sheets about snow monkeys and the Japanese Alps. Ten bible verses to go along with the story. Refuting evolutionary theories on whether man evolved from the monkeys.


Tim Ostermeyer is a Master Photographer who has won 250 first place awards for his photography including fourteen wildlife images that are considered to be the best in the world by its inclusion in the Professional Photographer Loan Collection books (best images in world by professional photographers). He has traveled the world for the last twenty-five years, taking images of wildlife from the Arctic in the north to the Antarctic in the south. He has taken the best images from his travels over these twenty-five years to place in his children books.

My thoughts on this story:

Do you struggle teaching your children understand the concept of planning ahead. They don't always understand the importance of planning and how it can effect everyone around them. Then once they learn the importance of planning do they stick to the plan or get distracted half way through. What a wonderful lesson to teach our children.

This was a big deal for my special needs daughter who struggles with planning. She has been trying hard to plan her day lately. I hear her talking to herself about putting things in a plan and sticking to it!

I love, love, love this story. Need I say more! The pictures are breath taking. The book is a hardcover book with a dust jacket. The pages are thick with glossy photos.

My kids love this story and we have already read it a dozen times in just a few days. I love reading quality stories that contain the scriptures. The scriptures just flow with the story line naturally.

My favorite page is when Snuggles says, “This trip to the hot springs may not be as easy as I thought,” Snuggles grunts. “This is probably a good place for me to pray.”

I meet Tim last year at the TPA Homeschool convention here in Wichita, Kansas. I just fell in love with all the books that he has written. I wish I was able to have purchased his books at the convention last year.

His books are:
Adventures of Rusty & Ginger Fox-Lessons on sharing
Snowball's Antarctic Adventures-Lesson on exploring
Titus & Tiana A Lesson for Baby Tigers-Lessons on bullying
Frosty & Snowy's Arctic Adventures-Lesson on following your dreams
Donald Discovers True Love-Lessons on true love.

I would highly recommend this book and any book that Tim Ostermeyer has written.

Book Crash has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book. In no way was I asked to give a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.


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