18 September 2012

Ricky the Remarkable Raccoon* Unlike Any Other Series* by Peggy Roger-Carey


Ricky the Raccoon dreams of a place he can call home. Most of all he wants a family to call his own. In a nearby harbor Ricky sees a boat with a family getting ready to head out. Maybe this family will adopt him! Ricky quickly finds out that this is not his forever family. The humans are afraid of him and throw him into a cage.

Everything looks hopeless and Ricky just doesn’t understand why the humans wouldn’t even give him a chance to prove that he is a good boy. Then Ricky meets Mr. Whiskers and his lifelong dream is about to come true. To find a forever family to love him just the way he is. 

My thoughts:

Having done foster care and working with children in dire situations makes this book extra special to me. All any child (Ricky the Raccoon) want is a safe home and to be loved just the way they are.

My daughter is adopted and she may not quite understand the adoption stuff now and may never completely understand it. There is something about reading to a child from a book that relates to their situation that brings understanding in way that having a sit down talk doesn’t.

This is a wonderful and fun book. This book just isn’t for a child who is in foster care or that has been adopted. It’s a lesson in life teaching compassion and patience. With so many kids in foster care and that have been adopted this is a great book to show your child that they are just like them. 

My children loved this book! I can’t tell you how many times I have read this book to them in such a short period of time. My son’s favorite animal is a raccoon which made it that much better. 

The illustrations are fun and colorful. This book has found a forever home in my family’s heart and on my bookshelf to be read over and over. I look forward to seeing what other books this author has out in this series. Thank you Peggy for writing on a much needed area to teach kids a wonderful lesson
Book Crash has provided me with a complimentary copy of this book. In no way was I asked to give a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.


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